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dimanche 17 août 2014


I thought I was stressed out about planning the wedding... then I saw this. No, now I'm stressed out.

Rachel: My fiance and I would really like a short engagement – we’re hoping to get married in September or possibly early October. But here it is the middle of December, and we have no idea where to begin! Is it possible to plan a wedding in just 9 months? The traditional planning timelines don’t seem to apply, but since we want to keep our event pretty casual and low-key, we’re hoping we won’t need that much time. What do you think?
Our Advice: First of all, there’s no such thing as a traditional planning timeline! While the average engagement lasts 14 months, there’s many engaged couples that opt for a much shorter engagement period. Nine months, in our book, is totally workable. The only difficulty now is figuring out 1) what tasks need to get done, 2) what order these tasks must be done in, and 3) when the heck you’re going to start!
Here’s what we suggest. First, refer to the awesome infographic/comic below written by the talented Veronica Dearly. As the title suggests, it’s an extra-ordinarily helpful introduction to planning a wedding. Once you familiarize yourself with what tasks need to get done, go to Target and buy yourself a huge calendar, dedicated ONLY to wedding planning. Start filling in the deadlines you want to meet with every task, and go from there. Plan all your appointments, viewings, and get-togethers accordingly so that you’ll be able to meet your deadlines and avoid last-minute wedding planning stress. Make sure you add the names and contacts of everyone you’ll need to reach in the “notes” section of the calendar.
There are a ton of other wedding planning resources out there, so don’t just rely on us – start doing some more research yourself! Once you get a good feel of the amount of time you have to work with and nail down set deadlines for yourself, start planning! And good luck

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